Friday, March 5, 2010

From Rags to Riches - Supplemental Post 2

Living in America, everyone is in search of the American Dream. Everyone is in the pursuit of a better life and making their dreams come true. That is why most of us are here in school, we want to move ahead through education.
The idea of the American Dream is very subjective. Everyone wants something different, and that something for Gabourey Sidibe was being a prominent actress. This name has risen in Hollywood in the last months, as she starred the very emotional picture Precious. Before this film, Gabourey was not known, she was not a household name. Even to this day, a lot of people do not know her real name; people recognize her as Precious. Over the past few weeks, Gabourey's dream of being a prominent actress has begun to materialize through the awards that she's been awarded and nominated for. A few hours ago she was awarded a Spirit Award, and not long ago she was recognized at the NCAAP Awards. This upcoming Sunday, she is in the running for what many consider to be the ultimate acting award, the Oscar.
People Magazine just published an article in which they say that Gabourey went from $2 a day to a Spirit Award. Gabourey mentions that her mom would give her $2 a day for her to go to school, and now she is up on stages giving acceptance speeches after a magnificent performance. Although Gabourey made it, is the idea of the American Dream not a myth, but a reality? Is it possible for everyone to reach their goals like Gabourey did, or was this mere luck?

People Article,,20332881_20349131,00.html

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