Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Response Post to Danielle Golden's Lady Gaga Post - Supplemental Post 3

In response to the Lady Gaga post about whether seeing celebrities as "normal" people is ruining Hollywood, I think Lady Gaga has a theory that she well supports, but I disagree. Yes, when we see a celeb take out their own trash, it does take away from the fantasy of their lives. But, when we really look at celebrities, they are just that: normal people.

The anti-Gaga would be actress Sandra Bullock who makes a star persona off of being the girl next door, or someone who seems totally approachable. Unlike many, I don't think Lady Gaga is crazy, I think she knows exactly what she is doing and every seemingly insane extreme thing she says is very calculated. I think she goes home after a hard day of being in heels to a very normal life. It's quite brilliant. There is always room for extremes in music industry. Like Sandra Bullock, Lady Gaga, has found what persona works for her and does it well. If Sandra Bullock tried to change her persona to someone of extreme glamor, it wouldn't work. The same way, that if Lady Gaga went back to being "normal" her persona wouldn't work.

In answer to the question, no celebs as 'normal' doesn't ruin Hollywood, but going against type does. That's been the case ever since old Hollywood.

For your viewing pleasure, I've embedded a video of Lady Gaga back when her name was Stefanie...i.e. normal and not famous.

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