Friday, May 7, 2010

Sex and the City 2: Supplemental Post 3

It seems that you cannot turn around without seeing another advertisements for the new Sex and the City movie. Whether you are turning on the TV and seeing ANOTHER trailer, driving around Hollywood on a billboard, or even riding your bike to and from campus and passing a Metro bus, Sex and the City 2 is there. The ads are everywhere, so what does this say about the quality of the film? While there are many who buy into the idea that it’s just so good that it’s being over-advertised to get more people to enjoy this sequel to the fabulousness of the original. It seems that when films are advertised to death, they are compensating for something. The first Sex and the City film took the top spot at the box office replacing the long-standing Indiana Jones success. So what’s to expect from this new film? The most raved about aspect of the first film was it’s incredible wardrobe. Women were coming out just raving about the incredible outfits, purses, and of course, shoes. But can a sequel stand on just it’s wardrobe? There was a lot of questioning when they decided to make the hit sitcom into a movie in the first place, but when it did so well, it seems that producers thought they would be able to strike gold twice. With two weeks left until the film hits theaters it seems that we will continue to be bombarded with advertisement, but on May 27th we will see how audiences respond to another attempt to keep the Sex and the City spirit alive.

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