Friday, February 19, 2010

The need to know every aspect of a stars life
I found the above website today which apparently is "The Ultimate Guide to Celebrities and Hollywood". The website is comprised of an index ranging from "where the stars play" to "churches of the stars" with everything imaginable in between.

Why is it that we have such an obsession about knowing every intricate detail of the lives of celebrities? What does anyone else think about this guide? 

For me the inclusion of the churches stars belong to and their mailing addresses takes the website away from being a frivolous site for those vacationing in Hollywood, who want to go site-seeing to a somewhat stalker-ish site created to aid those who are a little too obsessed.


karen said...

I don't know. part of me thinks people are really bored and think that celebrities somehow enjoy life more than we do?? Church going as a celebrity must be more exciting than going as your average civilian?

nikki said...

Wow. That is incredibly comprehensive.
When I first read this post, I was honestly expecting to see a creepy Star magazine type site with thousands of low-res, behind-the-bush photos of stars doing average things like getting gas or texting. But this site doesn't seem to be broadcasting itself so much as a treasure trove for the obsessed; it's more like a complete index designed to facilitate the search for ANY celebrity-related query in Hollywood - everything from who owns what restaurants to where your favorite television shows are filmed.
In that way, it almost reminds me of that site Mr. Skin. Sure, some of the information is a little invasive, but because it offers such a wide array of lists to look through, it imposes all the creep factor on the viewer. So maybe it'll tell you which Coffee Bean Mary kate Olsen goes to and on what days. Or it lists all the churches and schools of every celebrity, but it also has a lot of information on tourist spots, museums and studio tours and events. It's completely up to your own level of curiousity how far you're willing to take it.
The site is only giving us the OPTION of turning into obsessive fanboys. It doesn't necessarily impose those qualifications.
Now personally, I would love to to look through these lists of where stars are buried and where they've died and make a day of visiting places. Pop culture analyst Chuck Klosterman has already made a pretty penny documenting a similar road trip, and no one ever accused him of being a stalker. But if an average person like myself were to do so using a site like this, would it have a different implication?

Domonic Smith-Weston said...

I think if the average person were to post a sort of road trip of 'final celebrity resting places' on an online blog or something of the sort, it would most certainly be considered stalking. But when it is done in academia, such as a book, newspaper like Chuck Klosterman, it's not as creepy. I think we get away with a lot as long as its done under the guise of academia.