In light of watching, Warren Beatty's George sleep his way through Shampoo last week, and the recent break between girl-next-door Sandra Bullock and bad boy Jesse James, infidelity in Hollywood comes to mind. It's not that infidelity in Hollywood is more rampant than in everyone else's lives, it just that the paparazzi puts a magnifying lens on it.
Usually, I really don't care about these types of things, but I am a serious Sandra Bullock fan, and was really saddened to hear about her husband extramarital affairs while she was working on her Oscar winning film. That is the quandary. Are people interested in the Sandy/Jesse saga because it is frivolous drama to divert our attention, or is it because Sandra Bullocks star persona of girl-next-door makes us really feel for her pain right now. If Sandra were the bad girl would we care? I don't think so.
Mary Louise Parker's (star of Showtimes Weeds) boyfriend Billy Crudup of 8 years left her for Claire Danes when Parker was 7 months pregnant. We gasped, but we didn't give it nearly as much attention as this Sandra/Jesse breakdown. Maybe it's because Crudup and Parker weren't married, or maybe it's because Parker doesn't have the girl-next-door persona, maybe because she's not as famous as Bullock, or maybe its because Sandra Bullock's marriage was a ray of hope that yes, you can have it all - the career, the man, the kids in your late thirties early forties. But with Jesse James infidelity, that ray of hope is gone. So maybe we don't mourn for Sandra Bullock, but for ourselves and our love lives. If Sandy can't have it all, how can we?
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