This seems a little extreme-- I mean, have you seen the kind of heels we constantly see Lady Gaga wearing? This sort of baffled me. Isn't Lady Gaga the one always pushing her "monsters" to be who they are? Not to try to impress anyone? I was surprised with her justification though.
"You see legendary people taking out their trash, I think it's destroying show business," she said. "I'd never give up my wigs and hats for anything."
Depsite her extravagant get-ups, I think a lot of people do take Gaga seriously because she is consistent with her over-the-top looks. It's true: we have never seen her NOT perfectly coiffed and styled, whether she is accepting an award or walking through the airport. It seems that Gaga takes her image as seriously as her voice.
I think this could spawn an interesting discussion. In a time when we are used to paparazzi shots of even the biggest celebrities looking very un-glamourous, how has the way we look at celebrties changed? Yes, celebrites are just as entitled to a jeans and t-shirt day just as much as the rest of us, but is this ruining the Hollywood illusion?
Watch some of the interview:
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