This is the headline that many media companies are preparing for with story templates that will be filled and ready to post the minute it as recently leaked to many celebrity blogs like TMZ, Perez Hilton, and Gawker. This leak caused a lot of attention and made many headlines. CNN analyzed it, the ladies of The View gabbed about it endlessly, and it became a punchline on many late nite talk shows like Jay Leno and Jimmy Kimmel. But throughout all this coverage no one ever stated that media companies do this all the time. In order to be the fastest with their coverage, and beat the others to the punch news companies always create ready to publish files with missing details, much like a more complicated mad libs, that they will just fill in so that they won't have to waist time writing the complete story. It's also funny that the same news people who reported that companies were creating a Lindsay Lohan death file probably also have their own such file and similar ones for different celebrities. I have a friend who interns for an online news website called The Daily Beast who said that one day she spent her entire shift creating in-memorial photo albums for "dead celebrities" who were most certainly alive and kicking like Britney Spears, Nicole Kidman, Keanu Reeves, etc. All in all, it is contradictory how news companies report on practices that they themselves practice. This proves that there are biases in the media, we can't always trust "the news," and it's also ridiculous that we are even talking about all of this.
1 comment:
Hearing this about Lindsay reminds me of when Britney Spears was going crazy and made the public think that she wouldn't make it another day. A friend at an entertainment company said that they had her memorial put together since she had seemed to have gone off the deep end. I think it's sad how the race to reporting someone's death has become so important to today's society. I also feel that people today find pleasure out of seeing people fall, but maybe if the news would start reporting positive stuff then maybe celebrities would change their actions and realize that the negative won't get them the attention that they are crying for.
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