Saturday, January 30, 2010

Interesting article on New Technology and Stardom

I just got back from seeing Avatar, which I think posits a lot of interesting questions about stardom...If people will no longer appear as themselves on screen, will the star system as we know it cease to exist? And can this sort of technology replace our need for identification with an actual human being on the screen?

Much of these questions and issues of performance are thoughtfully addressed in an fascinating article by Mark Harris, an Entertainment Weekly columnist....It is not currently available online, but is in the January 29, 2010 issue and is entitled "An Avatar for Best Actress." I will bring it to class on Monday.

1 comment:

karen said...

Interesting. Avartar might have a problem getting the Best Picture Oscar because actors are a large part of the voting membership and the film definitely doesn't showcase actors and the work they do in a traditional way. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Does stardom reqiure a recognizable body or is the voice enough?