Monday, January 25, 2010

The Sheik (1921)

Here's the last part of the film.  Be sure to watch before the next class.

1 comment:

ifarwell said...

I knew he was an American all along. I just didn't know it was part of the story. HA. I kept asking myself through the story, why did they get this American actor to play an Arabian Prince. It obviously all made sense by the end of the movie. LOL

One more thing. I find it fascinating, from a social-psychological standpoint, that a story like the Sheik can mirror the Patty Hearst Paradigm, and yet we still think it is a happy story in the end. I mean the guy kidnapped her and then she falls in love, and we are suppose to feel warm and fuzzy. I don't know maybe someone has another way of seeing it, but to me it is a little off. Good movie all in all though. I especially liked the way they did the night scenes vs day scenes. Very Creative.